
22nd Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition

XXII Międzynarodowy Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej im. Kiejstuta Bacewicza w Łodzi

The Institute of Chamber Music of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź invites you to the 22nd Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition, which will be held on 7th-13th April 2025.

The Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition has been held at the University of Music in Łódź every three years since 1961. Its main organizer has always been Chair of Chamber Music (now Institute of Chamber Music). Since that time, for almost 50 years the Competition has been changing, its formula has improved, attracting a growing number of young chamber music players. In 1992, the Competition became an international event and, subsequently, in 1995, was named after its originator professor Kiejstut Bacewicz. Until its fifteenth edition in 2004, the Competition was an event of an intercollegiate range, addressed to students of music academies only, both Polish and foreign. Since 2007, it has been dedicated to all chamber ensembles , with members below 30 years of age on the day of commencement of the Competition.

The successive editions of the Competition had their leading themes ranging from Early Music (1961, 1964), through Classical (1968) and Romantic periods (1971, 2004), works of chosen composers (Ludwig van Beethoven in 1977, Johannes Brahms in 1983, Joseph Haydn and Franz Schubert in 1989, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1992) to contemporary music (1974,1986, 1992, 1995, 2001).

The Competition consists of two stages. Till now there has been a choice of categories, most commonly string quartets, pianoforte trios, quartets and quintets, as well as variety of duets, especially those of voice with piano.

This year, the Competition will be held in two stages, in two categories:

  • category A (instrumental duo with piano)
  • category B (3-, 4-, 5-person instrumental ensemble with piano)

The best ensembles of each category will be qualified for the second stage auditions, in which they will be classifies jointly.


Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
from the Culture Promotion Fund – a state purpose fund

Ministry of Culture and National Heritage



Kawai Shigeru-Kawai



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XXII Międzynarodowy Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej im. Kiejstuta Bacewicza w Łodzi



13.06.1904 – 27.08.1993

Kiejstut Bacewicz Chamber pianist, pedagogue, and originator of musical life.
He studied at the Helena Kijeńska-Dobkiewicz Music Conservatory in Łódź, at the State Music Conservatory in Warsaw (piano with Antoni Dobkiewicz, composition with Roman Statkowski and Piotr Rytel) and Warsaw University (philosophy). In the years 1931-45, he was engaged in educational and journalistic work, as well as chamber music performance in Kowno and Warsaw. After World War II, he returned to Łódź, where he participated in activities connected with the restitution of music education.
In the years 1945-50, he held an office of Headmaster of Secondary Music School in Łódź, in addition to it, he conducted accompaniment, and chamber music playing classes, plus the humanities at the Stage Higher School of Music in Łódź (later known as the University of Music) where he worked until 1991. He also taught at the State Higher School of Music in Warsaw. In 1950, he was appointed Dean of the Instrumental Faculty at the State Higher School of Music in Łódź and in the years 1957-69, he held a position of Rector for 4 terms of office. In 1957, he contributed to establishing within the framework of the Institution – the Chair of Theory of Music, the Chair of Piano and Orchestral Instruments; and afterwards, in 1959, he brought into life the first Polish Chair of Chamber Music, of which he was Head until 1974. Throughout these years as a teacher , he also performed extensively with such soloists as Eugenia Umińska, Irena Dubiska, Barbara Górzyńska, Halszka Baranowicz-Bacewicz, Olga Olgina, Lidia Skowron, Teresa Żylis-Gara, Mieczysław Szaleski, Zenon Płoszaj, Zbigniew Frieman, Andrzej Hiolski and finally, his sister Grażyna Bacewicz, with whom he premiered and recorded several of her chamber music works. In addition to his performing activities, he also composed some music. Moreover, several of his articles on piano aspects of chamber music performance were published.
He was recipient of Knight’s Cross and Commander’s Order of Poland’s Revival, Medal of National Educational Committee, and honorary title of Meritorious Teacher of Polish People’s Republic. In 1993, he was rewarded a degree honoris causa of the University of Music in Łódź.